Stake $PROOF & earn a share of the trading volume of PROOF launched tokens
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Partner up, & earn

Partner up, & earn

Refer a team to PROOF, and we’ll pay you 0.25% of their token’s eligible trading volume*. Earn BIG from every referral.

*See FAQs below for “eligible trading volume” definition.

How it works.

How it works

We’ve structured the PROOF Partner Program to be a lucrative opportunity, with high earning potential from every referral.

Earning potential.

These are real projects that have launched with PROOF, showing you
the huge earning potential from every referral.
image descriptionEARNT $31,000


$XEROAI is pioneering a new era in text-to-video & voice-to-video using a new ARBP ML model. Achieving over $12.5m in trading volume within 31 days — That’s over US$31,000 in commission for just this one token!

image descriptionEARNT $27,000

Build AI ($BUILD)

$BUILD is building the hub of artificial intelligence within Web3. With $11m in trading volume in just 31 days, that’d be US$27,000 in commission.

image descriptionEARNT $18,000

Hitmakr ($HMKR)

$HMKR is a Web3 decentralized audio protocol. They reached over $7m in trading volume within 31 days, which would give you US$18,000 in commission.

Your results may vary depending on the quality of the team and project you refer.

Frequently asked.


Still have questions? Email
  • How do you define “eligible trading volume”?

    We need to collect a fee on the trades in order for it to be counted as “eligible trading volume”. PROOF’s fee ends 31 days post-launch. You will earn 0.25% of the trading volume for those 31 days. There are instances where some trades within that 31 day period could be considered “ineligible trading volume”. For example, if a team chooses to exempt a wallet address from fees (i.e. removes their own tax and PROOF’s fee) any trades done by an exempted wallet address will not be eligible for commission, since we’re not able to make any money off the trade. As an example, this may be done if the team is using a market maker. Note, memecoins and other 0% tax tokens can be launched from PROOF too. Similarly, if PROOF doesn’t collect any fees, then these 0% tax tokens and associated trades will be ineligible for commissions.

  • How are my referrals tracked?

    The PROOF Partner Program is powered by Referral Factory on the backend. You’ll receive a unique referral link, with your very own landing page, which you can share with your audience. Referral Factory will track all clicks, and signups using their referral tracking software.

  • How can I measure my progress?

    Once you sign up for the Partner Program, you’ll be emailed a link to your custom dashboard. This is where you can track the number of clicks your unique referral link has received, how many have signed up, right through to who actually launched a token. You’ll be able to track your payouts here too.

  • How will I get paid, and how often?

    You’ll get paid in Ethereum (ETH), into the wallet you specified upon sign up. Payouts will occur on the 1st of every month.

Applications open. Apply to PROOF today!

Want to launch your token with PROOF? We can’t wait to hear about your big idea.