PROOF Rewards.
Buy and stake the $PROOF token to earn a share of the daily trading volume from tokens launched on the PROOF Platform.

Get the token that powers the entire PROOF ecosystem. You can easily buy it on Uniswap, using ETH or WETH.

Stake $PROOF.
Simply stake your $PROOF tokens and claim your rewards daily (if you like!), all via the staking dashboard.

Earn rewards.
50% of the revenue earned from the daily trading volume of tokens launched on the PROOF Platform is distributed to stakers.
PROOF earns revenue by taking a transaction fee on the trading volume of all tokens launched. It’s 2% in the first 24h, then 1% for the next 30 days.
PROOF earns revenue by taking a transaction fee on the trading volume of all tokens launched. It’s 2% in the first 24h, then 1% for the next 30 days.
What’s the earning potential of the PROOF rewards program?
The earning potential is obviously dependent on the number of quality tokens that are launched on the PROOF platform. We believe that in time, we’ll see daily launches, as investors start to demand the level of trust and security that PROOF provides. To give you a real example though… The first token to launch on PROOF was Baby Ape ($BAPE), which has done over $8M in trading volume, bringing in over $125,000 in revenue (50% of which would be distributed to $PROOF holders). And, that’s just ONE token!
How are the rewards calculated and paid out?
You’ll earn rewards based on the amount of $PROOF you stake, calculated as a percentage of the overall staked supply. Rewards are calculated on a per block basis and can be claimed at any time. You’ll be paid out ETH.
Once staked, how long are my $PROOF tokens locked up for?
You can unstake your $PROOF tokens at any time. There is a 48 hour unstaking period.
What are the tokenomics of the $PROOF token?
$PROOF has a total supply of 100M tokens, with a 5% tax on buys and sells. For a more in-depth breakdown, please read our whitepaper.
Where can I go to learn more about the $PROOF token?
Apart from our website, reading through our Help Guides are a great way to learn more about the PROOF Platform, our $PROOF token and everything else that makes up the PROOF ecosystem. Here’s a great place to start: docs.proofplatform.io/proof-token/core-value-proposition
Applications open. Apply to PROOF today!
Want to launch your token with PROOF? We can’t wait to hear about your big idea.