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FX1 Sports
Buy $FX1
Launched Apr 25, 2023

Next generation sports streaming aggregator

Audited by Solidity Finance

This token’s smart contract is audited by the experienced team at Solidity Finance. Furthermore, PROOF contracts are built in a way that prevents the project from performing the common scam tactics.

KYC completed with Assure DeFi

This team has completed KYC verification with Assure DeFi, the market leader in Web3 founder verification services. Click-through to learn more about Assure DeFi and how they keep project leaders accountable.

Liquidity LockLocked for 90 days0 days remaining
6%On buy
6%On sell

To protect holders and help mitigate whale control, there are anti-whale caps (1% per wallet) and transfer limits (0.5%).
There is an additional 1% fee for PROOF's services in the first 31 days (2% in first 24 hours).
$FX1 has a total supply of 250,000,000.

PROOF tiling logo background


View our roadmap below. You can read progress
updates via our social channels linked above.

Phase 1

  • Close pre-seed funding of 1.7M
  • Launch our custom-built website
  • Release our iOS and Android apps
  • Add NBA, NBL, WNBA Locker Rooms
  • Add app push notifications
  • Build our first smart contracts (ERC-721)
  • Add UFC, NFL, and NCAA Locker Rooms
  • Run our first live streaming event
  • Partner with PROOF for token launch (ERC-20)
  • Add live sports streams across multiple sports

Phase 2

  • $FX1 token release
  • Public and private streamed sports rooms + audio and video
  • Encrypted one-to-one and group messages
  • Token rewards and gamification offering
  • Partner with leading streaming platforms
  • Play by play and real-time game data
  • Migrate smart contracts to Avalanche Network
  • NFT fan collection drops

Phase 3

  • Form partnerships with major sports leagues
  • Create partnership with a global P.R agency
  • Official launch in Europe
  • List on major exchanges (Binance, Coinbase, Kraken,
  • Official launch into Asia

Frequently asked.


Still have questions? Email [email protected]

  • How do I buy $FX1?

    You can buy $FX1 with Ethereum (ETH or WETH) on Uniswap. You’ll need to set your slippage to at least 11% to account for the transaction fees outlined above.

  • How do I know that I can trust this project?

    This contract was created with PROOF, and is audited by Solidity Finance. This adds an extra layer of security and comfort for investors. Furthermore, PROOF contracts are built in a way that prevents the project from performing the common scam tactics. Things like stopping you from selling the token, removing the liquidity, raising taxes past a certain threshold + more are all impossible with PROOF launched tokens.

  • Is the liquidity locked, and how long will it be locked for?

    Yes, the liquidity has been locked for 90 days and will become unlocked on July 24, 2023.

  • How do I contact the team?

    You can contact the team via the links at the top of this page.

All information displayed above about projects is user-generated and general information only. It is not an advertisement, promotion or endorsement of any products shown. The products displayed on this page are user-created and PROOF Platform expressly disclaims, and does not make, any representation or warranty of any kind in respect of any product shown. PROOF Platform will not be responsible for any losses whatsoever arising from the use of any products shown. Before using any product shown on this page, you should ensure dealing crypto-assets is legal in your jurisdiction and you should seek independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how the product relates to your circumstances.

Applications open. Apply to PROOF today!

Want to launch your token with PROOF? We can’t wait to hear about your big idea.